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Updated last week

You're in the wrong place to interactively test guardrails, as the Playground under Config doesn't allow requests.

Hello! It appears that the Playground under Config doesn't allow requests. Am I in the wrong place to interactively test guardrails?
Hey! This is indeed the right place. I suspect what's happening is you're running into the case where your Config contains a Prompt ID
That would not work because then Portkey is confused - if we should call the prompt ID defined in your Config or the one you select from the Playground
That makes a LOT of sense.
Ah ha! It works without the prompt id in the config, so I should be able to pass the config through the request header (or in the instantiation from the SDK, for instance), and then pass my prompt id as I'm completing and that will work. Is that correct?
Yes, correct! Putting the Prompt ID inside Config is also useful when you want to do setup a fallback between two prompts, but yes otherwise you can always send prompt id as a part of your request
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