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Updated 10 months ago

Self-hosting the gateway and using the portkey python sdk for chat completions

At a glance
Just realised I posted my other message on the wrong channel so posting back here.
I'm trying to self host the gateway (currently for testing running the server on a local port) and use the Portkey Python SDK to make the chat completions queries.
However while doing this running into an issue :
  1. As suggested here I am passing the base URL as a parameter (in my case . However to instantiate the SDK object a Portkey API key is required, so I passed a dummy API key
When doing this, I get an error
Plain Text
portkey_ai.api_resources.exceptions.NotFoundError: {"message":"Not Found","ok":false}

Is there something I am doing wrong here?
You can pass a dummy key for the API Key and it should work.

Here's the code snippet that you can use:

Plain Text
from portkey_ai import Portkey

portkey = Portkey(
    Authorization="Bearer YOUR_OPENAI_API_KEY",

resposne = portkey.chat.completions.create(
    messages = [{ "role": 'user', "content": '42' }],
    model = 'gpt-4'

As you can see, api_key refers to the Portkey API Key generally, where we can pass any dummy value, while Authorization is where you'd pass your whole OpenAI key string, including Bearer in the front.

Please let me know if this solves it for you!
Ah that worked! Had been passing the base URL as
Plain Text
instead of
Plain Text

Thanks a lot Vrushank!
Perfect! I think time we update the docs for this! Thank you!
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