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Updated 8 months ago

Integrating You.com into your Prompt in Portkey

At a glance
I was curious how specifically I can integrate You.com into my Prompt in Portkey? Would this code need to be appended to the existing Prompt API code, or do I need to create a new Prompt specifically for You.com and its API?
Portkey's YOU.com integration is happening through Langchain, as mentioned in their docs, and not through Portkey UI.

If you want to use Prompts on Portkey along with Langchain and YOU, you could explore the prompt render API to have Portkey function as a "prompt hub" and call render your prompts inside your Langchain + YOU code - https://portkey.ai/docs/product/prompt-library/retrieve-prompt-templates
@bluehorshoe452_15_07606 happy to get on a call to describe this further! Let me know if this helps already
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