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Updated last month

I'm getting an error but I think I have fewer than 10k logs in January, and the system is calculating total logs instead of individual logs.

At a glance
I am getting an error, but I don’t think I have more than 10k logs in January. It seems like the system is calculating the total logs instead.

Even if it’s calculating total logs, I should still have access to the 10k free logs, and the extra logs should be paid. That’s what the error message says (please check the screenshot).
Hi @Het007 can you DM me your Portkey associated email? I'll check your log limit for this month.
That said, on the free plan, your logs are retained for 3 days only - so any log you made before the last 3 days will not hsow up
admin@seemflow.com is the email
Thanks 👍.
I am aware of 3 day retention period on free plan.
Thanks! Prima facie - there does seem to be some issue, we're verifying and will let you know asap.
Thanks for bringing this to our notice!
@Het007 we follow a sliding window of month (30 days) and not calendar month. for the last 30 days your organisation has more than 14k logs. hence you are seeing the error
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