It seems that there is type check:
plugins % npx jest ./pangea/pangea.test.ts
FAIL pangea/pangea.test.ts
● Test suite failed to run
pangea/pangea.test.ts:20:26 - error TS2554: Expected 4 arguments, but got 3.
20 const result = await textGuardContentHandler(context, parameters, eventType);
23 options: {
24 env: Record<string, any>;
25 }
An argument for 'options' was not provided.
pangea/pangea.test.ts:34:26 - error TS2554: Expected 4 arguments, but got 3.
34 const result = await textGuardContentHandler(context, parameters, eventType);
23 options: {
24 env: Record<string, any>;
25 }
An argument for 'options' was not provided.
pangea/pangea.test.ts:51:26 - error TS2554: Expected 4 arguments, but got 3.
51 const result = await textGuardContentHandler(context, parameters, eventType);
23 options: {
24 env: Record<string, any>;
25 }
An argument for 'options' was not provided.
Test Suites: 1 failed, 1 total
Tests: 0 total
Snapshots: 0 total
Time: 1.164 s, estimated 4 s
Ran all test suites matching /.\/pangea\/pangea.test.ts/i.